Tag Archives: publishing

My Thanks

This month I want to express a big “Thank You” to the community of people who stand behind all writers. From the beginning of any writing project this includes those:

who help set up a Web Page and other online venues
who maintain those sites;
readers who give time, attention, and thoughtful criticisms to rough drafts (and I mean often really rough drafts);
editors who accept our work and spend hours nourishing it, trusting it; improving it
reviewers who speak publicly about our books, encouraging readers to buy and read
readers who buy our work, who take the time to listen to our stories

My personal thanks on the Leah Contarini Mystery Series goes to:
Sabine Barcatta
Shanna Siporin
Dov & Lev Siporin
Steve Siporin
Mary Sharp
Steve Sharp
Carol McNamara
Greg Stout
Mark Levenson
Laura Fisher
Level Best Books:
Harriette Sackler
Shawn Reilly Simmons
Verena Rose